Space bags, also known as container bags, tons of bags or tons of bags, are large packaging items, so if dropped in the lifting process, it will seriously hurt people or other items. Before lifting, we should pay attention to a lot of matters when using space to undertake loading goods. In order to avoid unnecessary safety hazards and even cause injuries.
Taizhou second-hand woven bag trading center of the product manager manager wang gave us to sort out and summarize some of the lifting of space bags when we need to pay attention to matters for your reference
1. Firstly, before hoisting, carefully check whether the space bag sling is firm, because the sling is the main stress hub in the hoisting process.
2. Do not stand under the container bags in lifting operations. After the container bags are full of goods, the people behind or other vehicles should be as far away as possible.
3. The sling should be hung on the central part of the sling or the sling rope. It is especially emphasized that the sling should not be slanted or the space bag should be hoisted on one side;
4, try to avoid friction with other items in the lifting operation, maintain a safe distance. Prevent collision or hooking up to a space bag;
5. Do not erect the container bag for normal use; Do not pull the sling back to the outside, and keep the container bag upright when loading, unloading and stacking;
6. If the forklift is used for space bag operation, it must be operated slowly to prevent the fork of the forklift from puncturing the space bag;
7, in the workshop handling, as far as possible to use pallets, avoid hanging with the container bag, shaking while handling;
8. Do not drag the bag on the ground or concrete; Because hard pavement is easy to wear out the bag body.
9. If the space bag is stored outdoors, it is better to put the container bag on the shelf, and be sure to cover the container bag tightly with waterproof, opaque canopy cloth;
10. After use, wrap the container bag in paper or opaque awning cloth and store it in a ventilated place.
The space bag is a flexible transport packaging container. We must pay attention not to damage the bag body during normal use or hoisting. At the same time, there are many uncertain potential safety risks in lifting work. Space - packed goods are generally of high quality and bulk. Lifting must be carried out under the premise of ensuring safety. I hope you will pay more attention to it